[BOSTON] The Boston leg of my trip was a happy surprise. I have had a special place in my heart for Boston since the first time I traveled there for work over ten years ago. Growing up in California, I had never experienced so much history in a city. The buildings and the streets have stories to tell. I could feel it in my bones. So, when I posted about my NY sessions and received a couple messages asking if I’d be open to traveling up to Boston for a couple days… um, yes please. Count me in.
I had known and shot with this family about 5 years prior in LA, and they had since moved east. They were quite the hosts, taking me out to the yummiest restaurants and showing me around their sweet little lake town about an hour outside the city. It was dreamy and quiet and so green! We started their shoot loving on the neighbors dogs a bit, which felt so nostalgic to me and I’m not sure why! Did I play with the neighbors dogs when I was a kid? Did you?? Anyway, we meandered around their house a bit and then went down to the lake. It was perfect (and much cooler than NY)!
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