Some of the best advice I got on my journey to becoming a mother was to take classes and join mommy groups, meeting other moms with babies around the same age will be truly beneficial… and boy, let me tell you, I had no idea just how sage this advice would be until I was knee deep in motherhood. I needed it, and I needed them. Not only have these incredible women been my nearest and dearest through the nitty gritty, but our kids are all truly bonded now. They ask about each other and request playdates. It’s so fun and special and I can’t imagine anything better.
As we all approach a new chapter in our parenting lives, aka pre-school, I grew a little sad knowing most will be going off to different schools and all our schedules will be different. It will not be impossible, but definitely harder to organize gatherings with all of us. So, I came up with this idea for a shoot, looped in our friends at Bespoke Boheme (@bespokeboheme), and rounded up our tribe for a proper celebration of the past two years together. My dear friends opened their home (and toys) to us, and we spent an afternoon shooting our little adorable monsters. Here are some of my favorites… Enjoy!
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