
Looking around my website, it’s no secret a majority of my sessions include the younger kiddos. But every now and then I welcome the opportunity to shoot something a little different, push myself out of my comfort zone… you know, challenge myself. This time, teenagers. Now, I have shot teenagers before, but it had been a couple years. Lucky for me, not only are these particular teenagers super freakin cool (as you will see below), but they also happen to be the offspring of one of my dearest friends from high school, whom I recently reconnected with after 20 years. So, as if the shoot wasn’t fun enough on it’s own, my girlfriend also insisted I stay after for an AMAZING authentic home cooked Mexican dinner. YES PLEASE. I mean, it obviously didn’t take much convincing.

Makeup by Lisa Prather at Makeup Artist 411

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Hello! I am so glad you're here. Thank you for taking the time to look at my work. There are few things in this world that make me happier than taking pictures. For me, the purest joy comes with creating art from everyday life.


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